Cornholio Gadsden Flag Snake are you threatening me shirt

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Cornholio Gadsden Flag Snake are you threatening me shirts

I’m sure you could fit a baby carrot in your mouth. I believe in you. Godspeed! I’m sure you’ll find someone who does it for you. It’s gonna be alright. Mary Dryden gives it a rest if you see something use compassion also the lords teachings. Not sure he wants this done with serpents. Release them into wild where they belong. Sound have let him die, I hate snakes, all they do is eat little animals, and it is not pretty too watch, eve was fooled by a snake, and that where Sin comes from today. Read the Cornholio Gadsden Flag Snake are you threatening me shirt word of god. I’m religious, I believe in god and have studied the Bible thoroughly the snake was a metaphor for the devil tempting eve into sin snakes have the capacity for love and affection just like any other creature, I use to have a snake that would do anything it could to get into my lap to curl up and if I moved him he would follow me across the house to curl back up in my lap. They can be scary creatures are by no means the living incarnation of evil.

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You say you love all animals but you hate snakes. Kinda contradicting yourself there. snakes are not evil just because the Bible had an example of a snake doing bad things. That’s like saying if I see a dog kill a person, all dogs are bad. That’s not how it works. Please stand corrected. Sin entered the world through one man, Adam, not a snake. Sin brought death which spread to all. Romans says all of creation is groaning because of one man’s sin. We don’t know exactly what that serpent looked like. Some scholars believe the Cornholio Gadsden Flag Snake are you threatening me shirtcreature may have been dragon-like. Keep in mind too, that it was Satan using a creature to deceive Eve, the Bible doesn’t indicate she was afraid of it. It was probably quite alluring. I’m not fond of snakes but nothing to do with satan or sin, but some snakes are beneficial to the balance of nature; they help control rats. Kingsnakes are enemy to rattlers so they are very welcome to my property. They eat pests.Would you rather have a bunch of disease-infested rats running around? Also, this bad boy eats rattlesnakes. That right! He keeps your yard free of pests, dangers and he’s nonvenomous too! Best frickin snake you can get for someone that doesn’t like snakes. Satan, the father of the lie, ruling us until Jehovah wipes out all evil. We in last days now. It actually says Satan took the form of a snake, not satan is a snake. Someone has to bring religion into it and isn’t it gods creature? Good at spouting the Cornholio Gadsden Flag Snake are you threatening me shirt word of god but not living it! Have a great day. I’m still trying to work out what a mirror is. Mary Dryden, I think you are trying to say mirror. Let spell check do it for you. I think you are a few cents short of a dollar. I can’t agree or disagree with what your bible tells you as I don’t read fairy tales or science fiction. Dryden comes back when your words and thoughts are true to Christian philosophy, until then, kindly take your selectively Bible-based prejudice elitism and fuck off.


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