I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Jameson shirt

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I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Jameson shirt

I get to play with a puppy every day at lunch! I wish every student could have this experience, but sadly public school doesn’t allow pets on campus. We’ve just got a therapy dog at the school where I work. She’s been a big hit and worked wonders so far. Personally, whilst I agree they are great for some, I am very anxious around dogs and hated working at a school with a school dog where we all had to be delighted every time it stuck its face in our crotches. On an, I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Jameson shirt in a confined place, fine, but not in my workspace, please. He loved it and so did the kids – it was calming to have him in the class, and the kids read aloud to him.

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Then the school district outlawed bringing dogs to school. Why is the I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Jameson shirt that everyone loves dogs, they don’t, some children will be scared, some will have allergies, and who cares for the dog! Bad idea all round! Most classrooms can’t even care for a stick insect never mind a dog! People don’t understand how miserable pets make those with allergies. I don’t even need to touch one, just being around a dog or cat sends me into a fit of upper respiratory hell.

What about people who are scared or allergic to dogs? Why does it need to be an I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Jameson shirt what’s wrong with other animals? The dog is with the master when the child is in the room. Whatever the issue, the dog is the most wonderful calming, friendly influence. It was a black labrador called Wes, who helped me through primary school. He came to school every day and was my one true friend.


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