Popufur Shirt

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Wish The Popufur Shirt eu well but more importantly i wish the uk well on a dawn of a. New era i am proud to be a part of the leave vote and hope. All on the leaveremain sides can make the uk a success l dark times ahead worst possible choice good. I hope england is as prosperous as america we are seeing the best economy ever recorded this man is. Going to destroy everything if you voted for him you deserved everything thats coming your way i did not vote. individual behind the post just so funny and life is good when you are a. Deplorablemaga if nothing is wrong with what joe and his son did in ukraine and china then open the investigation. And it will show nothing and be gone joe you need to answer the questions about your. Connections with the ukraine and your sons with china along with his very mysterious overpaid. Job connections you need to address it joe is not president his mistakes are completely irrelevant that investigation already.Happened trump got caught

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For him and now my life has changed for The Popufur Shirt worse thank you all so much. X great britain should be renamed little britain a narrow minded old fashioned up tight couch potato. Nation more walls and barriers for the young people of the future a grey dank. And dismal island not great at all by felicia next celebration will happen when scotland leaves the uk. The fellowship has finally broken there is almost no point for eu without uk good luck europe i mean.

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