Some Grandmas play bingo real Grandmas drink wine shirts

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Some Grandmas play bingo real Grandmas drink wine shirts

I was working and living in Switzerland for a Some Grandmas play bingo real Grandmas drink wine shirt. My big hobby then, was windsurfing on the big lakes nearby. Unfortunately, to get wind in the mountains, you often needed to wait for a storm to pass by. Late one afternoon, I was out windsurfing with about 10 other friends on just such a day, when it started getting really windy, too much to handle. I thought about heading in as I was about a mile offshore on this big lake. But then, the sirens on the shore started sounding and flashing that a major storm was headed our way.

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Best Some Grandmas play bingo real Grandmas drink wine shirt

About half the guys made it to the beach while the Some Grandmas play bingo real Grandmas drink wine shirt, including me, hung onto our boards in the water trying to swim to shore. It started getting dark quickly and the wind blew even harder. This storm was going to be a big one. A rescue boat was sent out from a nearby harbor and luckily managed to drag everyone, except me back to shore. I was a little further out than the others and all my waving and screaming was now lost in the roaring wind and the crashing waves that had now started. I was beginning to panic while I helplessly looked on and watched the rescue boat getting swamped by breaking waves while looking for me. My friends onshore knew I was out there and were doing everything they could to help find me.


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