Vintage Show Me Your Kitties Shirt 

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California and so have all The Vintage Show Me Your Kitties Shirt democrats support carl demaio it also leads in highest taxes do. Not let the rest of the country pay for the mistakes of democrat lawmakers in california gee. Has it occurred to any of you geniuses that california has many homeless people because the climate is conducive. To street living i live in a small cow town in central california and drove down a busy. Street with my kids in the car passing a bum with his pants down in a field its gross.

Vintage Show Me Your Kitties Shirt


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My husband works in la and says its times worse our farmers are getting stuff stolen all the. Time people trying to steal gas off dairies its so bad but nobody sees that side open your. Eyes california your The Vintage Show Me Your Kitties Shirt president what about all you been bragging aboutseems your good work have not reached california we. Moved to florida california was the cradle of free enterprise and capitalism unfortunately envy is a. Cancer living off the inability of huge enterprises to move i just put in my change.Of address for being a independent trucker outside of california also california has some of The Vintage Show Me Your Kitties Shirt dumbest california in my. Opinion many has turned their back on god and they have been cursed california is the. Test kitchen for the rest of america they wanted to see just how far they could push americans before. They resisted the social change they were wanting to implement the state of california is. What the deep states wants for america we cant let that happen pelosi and the dems of.California have had enough time to start this process The Vintage Show Me Your Kitties Shirt government should step in asap to help fix this. Disgrace and the undignified living of their homeless population it so sad that they have to be actual. Told to do so smh absolutely outrageous when the president eliminates aid to benefit the homeless and poor what. Do the rich people expect btw it is just as bad if not worse in washington dc your back yard. And in many many other us cities and as the soh is nancy even responsible for just california anymore its.

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